5 Common Ways Anger Shows Up in Grief
Posted: July 8, 2016
You can count on this statement playing out in your grieving journey."When tragedy happens, people go into their hearts.When people go into their hearts - They go out of their minds."

Common Ways Anger Shows Up
Perhaps you're not thinking anger is going to be a part of this journey. I encourage you to stay tuned and practice self-compassion as you may hit the road bumps of anger. Here are a few common ways anger shows up:A Constant Irritability or Lack of Patience
Just constantly irritated at everything. -The person asking you how you're doing. -People constantly calling. -People not calling. -Decisions needing to be made.Easily Angered
Sometimes it is just better to have someone else drive you around on these "angrier than usual days." These are the days when someone cuts you off on the road and your zero to sixty in two seconds takes over.Isolating
The reality is some people need to be by themselves for a period of time to gain peace. But some people who are grieving are isolating because they are angry at the world. They just hate everything right now.
Blaming Others
Regardless of how your loved one died, there sometimes is an irrational need to blame someone for the death or tragedy. The wrestling with the terrible experience of loss of control often causes loved ones to blame each other for the loss.Depression
It is often said depression is anger turned inwards. When you find yourself consistently unable to get out of bed or sad more days than not two months after the death of your loved one, it is time to seek help. It is very easy to become immobilized by the sadness of loss of control after a loved one dies.How to Calm The Grief

I am your reluctant tour guide through this journey of The Soul of Grief. I am Kate Pieper, LMFT. The above isn't professional counseling - It is practical advise and education to help you not get stuck while your walking through the valley of the shadow of death.