Sobering Stats About Teens and Media

14 Startling Statistics you may want to consider while making your decision regarding media monitoring with your teens:
- Dr. Pat Love's reports the average family’s lifestyle depicted on television is that of a family who would have to earn $300,000 annually (Love, 2015). In a society where scarcity and comparison is ever prevalent, this factor plays on your teen’s thoughts of satisfaction with themselves and their environment.
- The folks at The Parent Project report 50% of teens have a TV in their bedroom (Melendez, 2012)
- The average teen spends 4 hours a day watching TV and 2 more hours on the computer. (Some studies report 6 hours of TV watching a day and 32 minutes of computer time.) Either way, the teen is having a lot of education being taught to them about relationships and the world through the television and computer.
- Teens who watch television are more likely to suffer from obesity and depression. (For further research please
refer to Aaron M. White's book "What Are They Thinking," 2013 as well asFrances E. Jensen's book, "The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults," 2015)
- 71% of parents stop supervising computer usage after their teen is 14 years old.
- 62% of teens say parents don’t know about their computer use
- 72% of all internet-related missing children were 15 years or older (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 2015)
- There are now 4.2 million pornographic websites. For more information regarding how porn affects the teen brain refer to the excellent website Porn Kills Love.
- Since 2005, there has been a 590% increase of pornographic images (from 2 to 14 million) on the internet.
- 5% of children are addicted to video games
- Teens spend 9 to 13 hours a week playing computer or video games.
- In his excellent blog, "Video Games and Teens' Behavior", John Cramer reports Dartmouth Research revealed a significant correlation between violent games and high risk behavior. (Cramer, 2014)
- In a study at the University of Pittsburgh, it was found teen boys who played high violence games as compared to teen boys playing low violence games experienced a greater increase in blood pressure, more negative emotions, were less cooperative and had a more positive attitude towards drug use. (Aaron M. White, 2013)
- Aaron White's research also reports the average working parent spends 19 minutes a day looking after their children. This includes car pool, dinner, etc.
Revisiting the House Rules for Teens and Media
These statistics may or may not be alarming to you as a parent, or as someone who works with the youth of today. I found the research to be sobering.
What About You?
Are there any of these factoids that you find alarming or sobering? How do you see media influencing your teens?The above isn’t professional counseling. It is good, sound information from a mom who is also a marriage family therapist – Sometimes referred to as “The Teen Whisperer.” If you would like to get in touch with me, don’t hesitate to contact me at kate@katepieperlmft or by calling 530-268-3558. Parenting teens is tough these days. I might be able to help.